Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hey yall! So it is about half way through the school year! That means I am only half a year until I'll be an eighth grader! That will be so much fun! I can;t wait until the end of this school year because I get to go to Valley Fair! Which is only the coolest amusement park EVER! ((:

EMILY! Why do we have to live so far away! We defiantly need to visit each other some time soon! How is school going for you? Do you still go to friendship? Well I hope your having fun doing whatever your doing! Please comment soon I need to hear your voice! EVEN BETTER POST ANY VIDEO ON YOUR BLOG SO I CAN ACTUALLY HEAR YOUR VOICE! That would be so cool! ((:

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I got new OPI nail polish! It is only the coolest nail polish in the world! It is the Katy Perry collection it is so cool! So what you do is you put on any color of nail polish you want. (Mine is a greenish purplish brownish and its beautiful!) Then you get the Katy Perry black shatter coat and put it on. Watch some of the black crack and the color underneath becomes visible! The shatter coat only works with nail polish underneath. It might not sound that appealing but IT'S GORGEOUS! I will post a picture!

Well the picture is really bad because I took the picture with my computer, and the camera does not work very well!

Well I miss everyone in Texas, and I hope yall know that I love you!

Byyyyyeee ((: